An'n 26.08.2010 00:41, hett David Gerard schreven:
> On 25 August 2010 23:34, Marcus Buck<>  wrote:
>> Gerard Meijssen keeps his contributions to
>> the discussions secret
> Is this true? If so, what is the rationale? Described like that, that
> sounds ridiculous and unacceptable.
Well, the latest archive (June 2009) is here: 
The other committee members' posts are shown, but Gerard's are all 
replaced with: <this user has not agreed to public archival.>

Somewhere on Meta there is a discussion years ago (I cannot recall 
whether I asked him or whether it was somebody else who asked) where 
Gerard explains his decision. I am unable to find it (perhaps it was 
removed from the public archives? ;-) ). But if I remember correctly his 
answer was not that helpful. It was something along the lines of "I have 
my reasons, but I cannot disclose them in public".

Marcus Buck
foundation-l mailing list

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