Hi all,

Here's the agenda for the board meeting tomorrow. If you're waiting for
a decision from the board on something, and it's not here, shout.


Wednesday, 19 April 2006, 19:00 UTC (21:00 CET, 15:00 EST, 14:00 CST)

 * Dave to request a contract from Quim for GUADEC
  * No contract yet, but it will arrive - reminder sent - ongoing
 * Jeff to write a proposal for the technical project meeting.
 * Dave to resurrect German contract from last year so that we can use
it for Axis Informática.
  * Contract sent to board, need to make it general. Should probably go
to the lawyer.

== Public Agenda ==

 1. Administrator
  * Process for hiring full-time executive director
  * Refine job description, and talk about the profile we're looking for
 2. Summer of Code
  * Let's make sure GNOME does better (from an organisational point of
view) this time
 3. GUADEC 2007 - get list of candidates
 4. Any other business

=== Outstanding issues ===

 * None?

David Neary

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