Hi all,

I'm pretty sure a lot of you dream of coming to France. I have the
perfect occasion for you to come here, and to learn French (of course).

The RMLL is a big free software in France. It will happen on 4-8 July,
near Nancy. That is, after GUADEC. This is a perfect timing: you go to
GUADEC, you take one week vacation between Spain and France, and then
you go to France. Sounds like a perfect program, doesn't it?

There'll be a desktop track, with ~15 talks, and we definitely want to
have more than one GNOME talk. Talks can be technical or user-oriented.

Talks can be held in english or french and should last ~40 minutes (with
the questions). They can be technical (for developers) or non-technical
(for users).

You can send me a mail if you're interested or if you need more details.



PS: maybe we need a "call-for-talks" mailing list?

Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

foundation-list mailing list

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