<quote who="Murray Cumming">

> I think this is a big part of Ubuntu's success at getting new
> contributors. But I'd like our code of conduct to be a little shorter and
> I don't think we need a whole organisation to police it.

Agree, particularly about shortening/simplifying it. We can continue to use
(albeit more obviously) the GNOME Foundation Board as a conflict resolution

> Here's a simple start:
> http://live.gnome.org/CodeOfConduct
> What do you think? What else would you like to see there?

Wow, short. But hey, the Ubuntu CoC basically just says "don't be a dick"
with somewhat more verbiage. I think it helps to have a statement of intent
too, kind of like the GPL preamble. Then you have a benchmark, the 'rules'
are just details.


- Jeff

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    I wanted to be Superman, but all I got were these special powers of
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