<quote who="Quim Gil">

> I think GNOME would be a less exciting place with a Code of Conduct.

 8< snip 8<

> > Here's a simple start: http://live.gnome.org/CodeOfConduct
> Isn't this just common sense? I don't see the need to push a long debate
> to end up having a list of points based on common sense. 

So, does common sense make things less exciting?

> If we want to promote specific sectors or goals, let's promote them. A
> Code of Conduct is not useful for that, apart from the rhetoric.

I agree that a CoC is not necessarily something that will *actively* help
with outreach to the groups that Murray suggested, but it is an extremely
useful statement nonetheless.

I guess I'll just fall back on the evidence as I've seen it - the Ubuntu
Code of Conduct has communicated a very strong statement of intent, and
ensured (not "made" but "ensured") that the Ubuntu community is a great
place to be.

But cf. my email about why GNOME people stick around - I totally object to
the suggestions that a Code of Conduct is only needed in desperate times.
That's poppycock.

- Jeff

GUADEC 2006: Vilanova i la GeltrĂș, Spain            http://2006.guadec.org/
             "jwz? no way man, he's my idle" - James Wilkinson
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