<quote who="Luis Villa">

> This flaming was completely and utterly predictable. I'm disappointed that
> the board took the time to approve an action that obviously exposed GNOME
> to PR problems without taking the (very obvious) PR steps to reduce that
> impact.

Based on the genesis of the "open letter", it is hard to believe it would
have helped. That said, since the letter, there have been numerous contacts
to the Board and members of it, and there is likely to be a more official
response to come (due to the interest in clarifying what on earth the letter
was about).

I look forward to further aggravated public shaming of past incompetencies,
especially ones so obvious in hindsight, as it always improves motivation
and encourages members to run for election. I'm sorry I couldn't find a way
to write this sentence without sarcasm.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2008: Melbourne, Australia        http://lca2008.linux.org.au/
   "Boys will be boys, hackers will be hackers, geeks will be geeks, and
     cyberpunks will always just be ravers with Macintoshes." - Monkey
                            Master, Crackmonkey
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