<quote who="Dave Neary">

> What we've shown is not having a full-time director has been a mistake

It has actually been a very helpful learning experience -- understanding
what the purpose of that role should be, by grokking the gaps. It's less
obvious what that role ought to be now that we're so far away from the
"Executive Director" assumption.

> I agree that expecting a 7 person volunteer board to take care of the
> administration and day to day running of the foundation is asking too
> much.

It would be, but luckily, that's not the situation we're in. We have a very
good part time administrator in Zana, who has done a fantastic job picking
up the pieces of our previous administrative mess.

It's very easy to simplify this issue, and I think it's a mistake to do so.
Defining the role and hiring someone for it has been and will continue to be
a very tricky task. We have to be very comfortable choosing between large
target and small target goals. Just hiring for an "Executive Director" role
would put us firmly in the small target zone, which is probably not the
right thing to do. I don't even think it's necessary.

Things change -- what was taken for granted while you were on the Board may
not be the case now.

- Jeff

GNOME.conf.au 2008: Melbourne, Australia http://live.gnome.org/Melbourne2008
                    The Unix Way: Everything is a file.
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