On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 5:37 PM, Debarshi Ray <rishi...@lostca.se> wrote:

> > Maybe private email? Maybe bringing it up in a different way? Sri's
> > initial email didn't mention Emily at all - were you just waiting for an
> > opportunity to bring up your discontent?
> The point still remains that people posting on Planet GNOME should be more
> informed about what they write. Especially when they are writing about a
> sensitive topic and their words can be interpreted by outsiders as coming
> from
> a position of authority.
I take some responsibility for the post.  Emily ran it by me before posting
it and I thought it was fine.  She did attempt to get feedback before
posting.  Maybe I failed her there.

There was nothing more damaging than Company's post which is still quoted
even today.  Benjamin even today said that nobody refuted his "staring at
the Abyss" post.  So his Benjamin's post true?  Because people are still
talking about it and referencing it.  It was  gift that continues to keep
on giving.  What Benjamin posted was totally fine by me, he has a right to
air his concerns in public.  It is a public project after all.  I will
argue the same for Emily.

All most people will get out of Emily's post is that communication is
important.  Maybe it was a bit inartful, but I think we should forgive that.

> I can understand that their intentions are noble, but the last time someone
> took their chances we ended up with:
> http://en.wikipedia.orgkeeps/wiki/GNOME#cite_note-6<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME#cite_note-6>
Again, nobody refuted it.  So is it true?  Did we have a legion of
developers saying otherwise?  How many posts did we have refuting that?
Two or three?

> Biting the hand that feeds you [1] is not the answer to effective
> communication.
Is communications both internally and externally not important?


> Happy hacking,
> Debarshi
> [1]
> http://todoentiempo.wordpress.com/2012/11/13/open-communication/#comment-574
> --
> There are two hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming
> things and off-by-one errors.
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