Dear Andrea

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 1:55 AM, Andrea Veri <> wrote:

> On Mon, 19 May 2014, Max wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> Hey Max!
> > My question to all of you:
> >
> > * What's your plan for "Promote / Growth GNOME in Asia"
> > -- GNOME.Asia summit ?
> > ---- Central event management system for both GUADEC and GNOME.Asia?(  I
> > saw it last GUADEC but not start to use)
> > ---- Other idea?
> Two OPW interns have been working for several months to provide a
> valid event management system for all the major GNOME events. The
> software is currently based on OSEM (the Open Source Event Manager
> [1]) and a test-bed is privately available on one of our testing
> machines at OSUOSL. Part of the upcoming GUADEC organizers have been
> granted access to the istance, if you are missing access to it please
> let me know.
Yes, I am missing access ^^

> We should definitely find out what has gone wrong with it and why it
> has not been declared ready for production yet. I will make sure to
> follow-up on this as one of my goals for the next term if elected.
> > -- Google Summer of code / Outreach Program for Women
> > ---- What's your plan for GsoC and OPW in Asia?
> > ---- How many country get GsoC / OPW in Asia? What's your plan for
> promote
> > it with more country in Asia?
> While OPW has had a great success in India (thanks to english being
> widely spoken there) it did not have the same success on other Asia
> regions probably because of the language barrier. What we can probably
> do is localizing the content of the OPW flyer so that more women can
> be aware of the Outreach Program for Women and apply for it. (I will
> make sure to discuss about this with Marina if elected and propose the
> idea to the relevant localization team)
> That would hit another language barrier though which mainly relates to
> the fact none of the current mentors are Chinese speakers. Max, did
> you try interacting with any local university already? if yes, is

Yes, I try interacting with local University, and I think Beijing team and
other GNOME Users Group in Asia do too.

> there anyone (both english and chinese speaker) who might be
> willing to mentor a chinese-speaking student during one of the next OPW
> rounds?
I think we could discuss more with other mentors, the point is "They really
don't know how to start and which is start point".
There might be need "GNOME Love" for both english and chinese speakers who
is first time to be a mentor.

> Max, how much the events that were organized and sponsored by the
> GNOME Foundation did benefit the Asia region as a whole? how many new
> contributors joined your ranks? what do you think could help you
> improve the organization of the GNOME.Asia event?
Good point, Andrea ^^
I just check the

Events - GNOME Wiki

* for GNOME community google schedule,
who have the permission to add the event?
I only see the GUADE and Beijing GUG meeting and Taiwan GUG meeting.

In Taiwan, we have "Taiwan Open Source" Calendar

You could see the Mozilla, Pycon APAC and other Linux Users Group

Taiwan OSSF(Open Source Software Foundry) news will list and mail community
event, it's good to remind people to join or where to find an event to join.;isletter=1

I think we might be do some event list more detail like openSUSE:Advocates

> During the past GUADEC we discussed the creation of an additional
> planet to aggregate all the chinese-speaking feeds to help
> non-english-speaking contributors to be aware of what's going on
> behind the scenes of events like GNOME.Asia but generally any other
> initiative happening in that area (the Planet GNOME rules currently
> disallow localized content to be posted and while that keeps the
> planet polished from mixed content to be published it also restricts
> non-english-speakers to read it), do you think such addition would
> still make sense?

I think that is make sense to non-english speakers to read it, at least you
will know somebody is moving. Who care about that.

> if yes, do you have a list of feeds to aggregate
> there already? is a planet really needed or would a news feed on the
> GNOME.Asia website be enough for the goal?
If everyone think that is a good idea, we could beg the GNOME foundation
member in Asia first, provide their non-english feed.
(I have 2 blogs, one for English and the other one is Chinese, but most
case, I write the Chinese one  XD )

> It's just awesome how deeply you care about GNOME and expanding its
> horizons to Asia. Thanks for your contributions Max!
> [1]

Thanks Andrea

> --
> Cheers,
> Andrea
> Debian Developer,
> Fedora / EPEL packager,
> GNOME Sysadmin Team Coordinator,
> GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman
> Homepage:
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