Hi, its great to see the all the activities around the upcoming Board
election, I hope we still are able to focus on day-today things.

There is right now a campaign, Reset the Net [1] about remind people
about government surveillance and the the importance of privacy on June
5 [2], one year after the NSA/Snowden revelations.

Some participants include: Demand progress, Freepress.net, Free
Software Foundation, Open Technology Institute, Reddit and
Duck Duck Go.

With our commitment to privacy and recently improved tools in this
area (the new privacy setting panel and new privacy
features in Web for exemple) [3] I think its makes sense for GNOME to

This would include:
Display a banner on GNOME.org, 5 June with link to
Promote our participation on the campaign website
Promote our our participation  and our work in this area in our own
channels (gnome.org och twitter).

On the last Engagement Team Meeting [4] we agreed that this something
interesting. What do you foundation members think?  If there is no
serious concerns I plan to ask the Board for approval.

1 https://www.resetthenet.org/
3 https://www.resetthenet.org/#add-yourself
4 https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/etm-2014-05-08

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