At 10:25 AM 4/3/00 -0500, Wilson, Keith wrote:

>This script using d_edit50 worked for us. 
>Run it from the directory that the trends are in. Hope it helps.
>DIR_LIST=`ls -1`
>for i in $DIR_LIST
>        do $d_ed -g/Root/ -h/hisb8q/his08q/ $i
>#                           /old  /new


Hi Keith (and Kevin),

Which version of software are you using? I'm on v4.3 (Solaris) and it's
been my understanding that d_edit cannot modify the historian name. And
sure enough, I cannot replicate what you recommended. I keep getting
the "++ Wrong command line option" error no matter what I tried.

We encountered this same problem (changing historian) a couple of years
ago and had to use vedit to fix it. That's why I recommend it.

(Note also that this vedit is not the same as the variation of vi of
the same name on the SOlaris platform.)


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