Hello all,

For those of you attending the conference, here are a few items of note.

I am speaking as a member of the steering committee here, so bear with me.

There will be a welcome reception Sunday night at the Westin.  This should 
provide everyone with an opportunity to do a little informal mixing and 
would be a good place to discuss problems and lobby for improvements you 
want to see made to the system.  Plus a good turnout for the welcome 
reception would be appreciated by our Foxboro hosts.  And it makes us look 
good too. Oh yeah, free drinks!

There is supposed to be, a white board, or paper wall, or something to that 
effect, to post messages on during the conference.  If you want to get a 
group of people with similar ideas and issues together you can put a 
message up where everyone is SUPPOSED to check. Or you can decide to 
present a topic of your own choosing to see how it's received.

We have asked that some of the rooms at either the Hynes, or the Westin be 
made available for groups to meet after hours.  That way you could get 
thirty  plus people together for an ad hoc discussion.

Although the agenda is fairly crowded, do try to spend a little time after 
hours getting to know other users.  The conference is shorter this year, so
don't plan spending as many nights out on the town.  The whole point is to 
come together and get to know each other better.

That's my fifth! Don't drink my bourbon!

The steering committee will be turning over a lot of people at the end of 
this year, and some new faces are needed. If you are interested in serving 
on the steering committee next year, try to let Edward Prejean (el 
presidente') know about your interest as early in the conference as possible.

Hope to see you there.

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