Talked with our AB guy, and he had this to say:

"The latest version of the KF2 manual 1770-6.5.13
(dated 1989!) does not document that switch setting."

He goes on to state that there were some release notes in 1995, but they don't
explain any different switching either.


"I still feel that, if it is able to go 19.2K, then do it."

He has experience that says if you are less than 50 ft, with a good shielded
cable, in an IO room, then the 19.2K will work.


Kirk Carver
ExxonMobil Chemical
Beaumont Polyethylene Plant
PO Box 2295
Beaumont, Texas 77704
Phone: 409-860-1314

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/07/2000 09:41:59 AM

Please respond to "Foxboro DCS Mail List"

To:   Foxboro DCS Mail List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Kirk D Carver/Beaumont/Mobil-Notes)
Subject:  Re: AB KF2 at 19.2 Kbaud?

This confused me more than helped to clear things up.  If the
following is true.

"The 1770-KF2 does NOT have an option for communicating at 19.2K"

Does this mean the 19.2K dip switch setting is not really
available?  The SW6 settings shown on the KF2 cover include 19.2K.
We have contemplated running at 19.2K, but haven't because of our
current cable lengths are well over the 20 foot maximum recommended

Jim Murphy
Eli Lilly and Company

Kirk D Carver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/06/2000 01:03:37 PM

Please respond to Foxboro DCS Mail List

To:   Foxboro DCS Mail List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Re: AB KF2 at 19.2 Kbaud?

>From our in house AB guru:

"  I do not know of a situation in which it wouldn't work at 19.2K, but the
bandwidth requirement is small: the bottleneck is the GP, not the DF1 line.
he's actually getting real empirical results back showing a huge ==x2
improvement when moving the DF1 connection from 9600 to 19.2K, then I'd be
surprised and suspecting his ABSCAN and compound configuration. "

....and from our local rep:

" First, let's clear up any potential confusion.

1770-KF2 - Stand alone box w/ 120VAC power (from outlet) that converts DH+
messages to RS-232C DF1 messages for communicating with the Foxboro.

1785-KE - PLC "slide-in" module that does the exact same thing.  (It fits
a 1771 I/O chassis).

The 1770-KF2 does NOT have an option for communicating at 19.2K
The 1785-KE DOES let you go 19.2K.
Other than that, they are the same beast.

The only (potential) draw back to going to 19.2K baud on a 1785-KE module
the baud rate is less noise resistant.
It does work, though, and I have little or no problems with it handling
(blazing?!?!) speed!  You shouldn't see any problems in your installations,
since you guy's typically use well shielded cable for your serial

Kirk, I know you have a lot of "KE" modules out there, but I do think you
are using some KF2 modules also, although I don't know where.  The Foxboro,
or any DCS, can not tell the difference between the two, since they're are
basically the same thing, only in a different housing."

Kirk Carver
ExxonMobil Chemical
Beaumont Polyethylene Plant
PO Box 2295
Beaumont, Texas 77704
Phone: 409-860-1314

David Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/06/2000 09:32:08 AM

Please respond to "Foxboro DCS Mail List"

cc:    (bcc: Kirk D Carver/Beaumont/Mobil-Notes)
Subject:  AB KF2 at 19.2 Kbaud?

I have noticed that most of the Allen-Bradley KF2 modules I come across in
the field are running at 9600 baud.  I also know of some instances where a
Foxboro Integrator 30 is communicating with AB KF2s at 19.2 Kbaud.  Is
there any reason not to run the baud rate at 19.2K? You sure get a lot more
I/O throughput that way.


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