There are two widgetset setting because you can use two different
widgetsets: design time / IDE and runtime / project.
I found that when changing the widget set at one of the pages it is changed accordingly at the other page. So in effect there seems to be only one setting.

I setup the 'nogui' widgetset.
What does this mean ? Did you just try my "diff" or did you add some functionality
But I'm not sure if the gain is big
enough to add it as a standard widgetset to the laz sources.
Please see my post to Micha for an explanation of what I think this is useful for. Once I might have a truly embedded target architecture for FP (Linux/NIOS) the significance will be obvious.
extra widgetset confuses users.
IMHO, that is just a problem of documentation. Of course I'll write some Docu for this once it in fact should be included in the standard distribution. In fact I don't understand fpGUI right now (but it does not confuse me at all). Maybe I should read the Docu on that one. IMHO it's a pity that the menus in Lazarus don't have "Help" buttons that link to the appropriate documentation or Wiki pages (similar as LCL components do with F1), so that documentation on those topics can be provided.

I did try to understand the "CGIApplication" but failed to create a testing example due to lack of Docu (and some bigs that I did report to the bugtracker).

Probably you forgot the Makefiles.
I'm sure you are right with that. I did modify two Makefile.fps's accordingly. I suppose I additionally need to create a Makefile.fpc in the new nogui directory.

But I don't know how to create the Makefiles form these (supposedly using fpcmake ???)

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