31.12.2011 23:17, José Mejuto пишет:

SG>  Plain removal of this if..else breaks a couple of tests in
SG>  the testsuite. But the information you
SG>  provided gives some pointers to look at. At least, adding a
SG>  check that constructor without
SG>  pi_needs_implicit_finally flag doesn't have any implicit
SG>  finalization code either will help
SG>  detecting the actual place of trouble.
SG>  I'll review it.

I'll be very happy in test any change you may want to try before
commit to SVN. This kind of problems seems to be very difficult to
catch, so I'll try to not change my codebase while you investigate in
order to be able to raise the error as needed.

Another hint, my problem appears at close time and only if a debugger
is present. If no debugger the operative system eats the error and
nothing is reported.

The problem appears to be that the implicit finally block in constructors does not only finalize managed variables and temps, but also reposition the exit label so 'exit' statements do not jump over the AfterConstruction call. Removing this implicit finally block, as well as compiling with {$implicitexceptions off}, breaks the correct behavior. For now, I reverted part of r19668 in r19948, so implicit finally blocks are not optimized, and added a test. The solution to optimize the unnecessary finally blocks without breaking exit behavior is still to be found.

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