microc...@zoho.com wrote:
On Fri, 8 Jun 2012 17:15:51 +0800 (CST)
"Fuxin Zhang" <zhan...@lemote.com> wrote:

I made a start at trying to get assembler and backend info into the
Wiki, my intention was to at least have URLs for the various ABIs. I
rather ground to a halt after getting examples of the assembler format
together for most targets, if anybody could contribute ABI stuff it
would be much appreciated.


I have added a link to mips O32 ABI file to the MIPS section.

Mark, guys, were you wanting the information itself on the wiki or are
links good enough? If the latter and they aren't there already, I'll add
the SPARC ABI links next week.

My intention was to put links in, although obviously a note would be in order where FPC and/or GCC departs from conventions. One of the reasons that I started that page was that some manufacturers require you to register with them before they will give you full processor info- I think that MIPS was one of those. At that point a link to a copy of the document which happens to have been published on e.g. a university website or at archive.org has some value to people who don't want to raise their head above the parapet.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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