Am 24.01.2013 11:07, schrieb Michael Schnell:
4) Thus in your environment somehow such a library file is specified. Maybe it's done in fpc.cfg, which in my environment has not been obtained in a really "decent" way ant the syntax of which I fail to understand well enough. (The file did not come with the 2.6.0 "TAR" distribution, so it is inherited from the Debian 2.2 stuff ).
While unrelated to your problem: the syntax of the fpc.cfg file is simple. It's main content is just the same options that can be given on the command line of the compiler. Instead of seperating them by spaces they are seperated by newlines though.

Additionally the config file allows conditional configuration by using "define", "ifdef" and co (similar to Pascal code). For this certain defines of the compiler are available as well (like the selected target and whether this is a cross compilation). Also you can use variables through $name with which you can insert the contents of internal compiler variables (like $fpcversion => 2.7.1) or of environment variables. On Windows systems you can also have access to the CSIDL_... paths (though just now I don't remember how exactly you can access them...).

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