On 09/22/2014 08:51 PM, Boian Mitov wrote:
I am not big fan of the compiler handling parallel loops, as it will limit any flexibility in implementation. A library based functionality with shared executors is a better design, and it allows not only for parallel loops but also for easy parallel recursions and many other combined(iterative/recursive) constructs.


I just did that (a TThreadPool class, see the other thread). Not because I wanted to use it, but to do some research on the issue.

While I do think that the thingy does work well and is decently designed, and it might be nice to provide it as a package, I think it's not "nice" to use, as you need to do and instantiate appropriate objects with "Execute" functions to make use of it.

Some compiler magic could do this on the fly for lazy programmers

Of course I do know about the possible risk if they unintentionally might access the same thingy without caring for mutexes. But I am not sure that not providing a parallel loop syntax would help much.

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