Op 26-10-15 om 08:43 schreef Anthony Walter:
*Nothing works for me.*

You are using fpc 3.1.1. The repository for fpc 3.1.1 only contains the 'extra' packages, like embweb, gecko etc. This is because all the other packages can constantly change...

*Following the instructions at http://wiki.freepascal.org/fppkg*
*When I do fppkg list I see:*

$ fppkg list -l
Name                 Installed (G)  Installed (L)  Available
embweb               -              -                  0.9.1-968
gecko                -              -                  2.9.0-3
jquery               -              -                  0.9.0-842
lazmkunit            -              -                  0.9.3-1
lnet                 -              -  0.6.6-2606
webdesign            -              -                  0.9.0-906

But it should list all the installed packages, although they are not available for download.

*When I try to install I get this:*

$ fppkg install embweb
The FPC Package tool encountered the following error:
[embweb] Package fcl-web <none> is not available

Because it can not find the installed packages. (In this case fcl-web)

*When I try with fcl-base I get this:*

$ fppkg install fcl-base
The FPC Package tool encountered the following error:
Package "fcl-base" not found.

Normal for fpc 3.1.1

*What's the issue? A valid fpc is in the path as well as a valid fpc.cfg.*
*Output of fppkg listsettings:*

Using global configuration from file "/home/gigauser/.config/fppkg.cfg":
 RemoteMirrorsURL: http://www.freepascal.org/repository/mirrors.xml
 RemoteRepository:      auto
 LocalRepository:       "{UserDir}.fppkg/" -> "/home/gigauser/.fppkg/"
BuildDir: "{LocalRepository}build/" -> "/home/gigauser/.fppkg/build/" ArchivesDir: "{LocalRepository}archives/" -> "/home/gigauser/.fppkg/archives/" CompilerConfigDir: "{LocalRepository}config/" -> "/home/gigauser/.fppkg/config/"
 DefaultCompilerConfig: "default"
 FPMakeCompilerConfig:  "default"
 Downloader:            lnet
Using compiler configuration file "/home/gigauser/.fppkg/config/default":
 Compiler:         "/home/gigauser/Development/Base/fpc/bin/fpc"
 Target:           x86_64-linux
 Version:          3.1.1
GlobalPrefix: "/home/gigauser/Development/Base/fpc/bin" -> "/home/gigauser/Development/Base/fpc/bin/"
 LocalPrefix:      "{LocalRepository}" -> "/home/gigauser/.fppkg/"
GlobalInstallDir: "{GlobalPrefix}lib/fpc/{CompilerVersion}/" -> "/home/gigauser/Development/Base/fpc/bin/lib/fpc/3.1.1/"

This setting should point to the location where the packages are installed. And it looks right. Do you have a directory called 'fpmkinst' here:

And does this directory contain a lot of .fpm files?

It should...

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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