On 19.02.2018 11:14, Sven Barth via fpc-devel wrote:
Am 19.02.2018 11:01 schrieb "Ondrej Pokorny" <laza...@kluug.net <mailto:laza...@kluug.net>>:

    I agree with Simon here. It's a similar scenario like heaptrc. Why
    not to add a compiler parameter to include profiling info? That
    would be just great.

It's not the same scenario as heaptrc is entirely working in the RTL without any compiler extension (aside from the -gh parameter).

First of all - if you read my sentence again I said it is a */similar/* scenario and not the */same/* scenario.

BUT: to be completely exact a small compiler extension comes with -gh as well and that you cannot achieve with the RTL - if http://wiki.freepascal.org/heaptrc is not wrong: /Note: Do not add the heaptrc unit manually. The heaptrc unit needs to be loaded before lineinfo and only the compiler can do that./

So yes, -gh injects the heaptrc unit in front of lineinfo and the profiling compiler parameter injects profiling code into every compiled procedure/method. Don't tell me you don't see any similarities here :) And yes, even the word "same" can be seen as valid here, if you like word games :)

Second: FPProfiler works already now entirely in the RTL without any compiler extension. Your above statement just doesn't make sense.

Profiling code however would require extensions to the compiler whereby it would also need to handle exceptions correctly and such things.

Yes, I am again absolutely aware of this and I still believe it's possible and probably even not that hard to achieve. You just need to inject a try-finally block (= "handles exceptions correctly") around every procedure/function block:

procedure Test;
    // <<< real code here

Of course EnterProfiling and LeaveProfiling must be thread safe (every thread to be profiled separately) - and they even can be a part of the RTL, the same as heaptrc code is. EnterProfiling and LeaveProfiling must eat all intern exceptions - this is perfectly doable in the RTL.

All in all, in my eyes absolutely doable and a great and valid compiler extension. And again - very very similar scenario to heaptrc, if you don't like the word "same".

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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