On Thu, 22 Mar 2018, Ondrej Pokorny wrote:


will a patch be applied that fixes CamelCase in unit and method names and other identifiers?


dateutils -> DateUtils
sysutils -> SysUtils
typinfo -> TypInfo
contnrs -> Contnrs
strutils -> StrUtils
EnterCriticalsection -> EnterCriticalSection
DoneCriticalsection -> DoneCriticalSection
LeaveCriticalsection -> LeaveCriticalSection
TryEnterCriticalsection -> TryEnterCriticalSection
(Funnily enough InitCriticalSection is correct.)

TPoint.x -> TPoint.X
TPoint.y -> TPoint.Y

(For unit names: of course only the unit definition name will be changed, not the file name).

At first sight I don't see any disadvantages from this, so yes, I would
apply such a patch.

Code completion will benefit from it, I suppose.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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