Op 2010-10-22 13:02, Aleksa Todorovic het geskryf:
>> First, how would you prove you're worthy of the task?
> Firstly, you need to understand how FPC development works, and to
> accept that. Secondly, you need to show other FPC developers that you
> are willing to work (continuous task) and work as part of team.

This is where I think FPC and Lazarus teams get it all wrong. Not everybody
wants to "join for life", hold hands and cuddle around the source code.
Many times I use a tool, find a bug or annoyance, fix it and contribute
back by supplying a patch and most importantly, MOVE ON. It's up to the FPC
devels to review and commit those changes. But no, we must first fight
about it for ages, prove ourselves to the ends of time before anything is
accepted "outside the close family unit". There loss, not mine.

God sakes man, this is ridiculous! Look at other successful open source
projects - they don't work like that. If your patch works, that enough. No
need to prove your loyalty shit.

The FPC and Lazarus teams keep bitching about not having enough
contributors. Well, you can start by.... NOT MAKE IT SO F**KEN HARD TO

I've taken the following stance with the Lazarus team. I contribute, and
forget about the patch. They can do with it as they please, I did my part.
It works on my side, git makes it easy to ingrate that fix/feature after
every update, that's what's important to me. That's not a very successful
way from their side in running a open source project, but they left me no
choice. I don't have time to quibble over every line of code I changed. FPC
seems to follow closely behind the ways of the Lazarus team, and that makes
we want to contribute even less.

Martin Schreiber (author of MSEide&MSEgui) seems to have the write
approach. Fork everything in FPC (one of his examples being sqldb code),
and maintain that code yourself. No hassles, less stress, a happy life. If
FPC team wants any of his changes, they can go fetch it themselves.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

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