Report on progress:
I have found a way to convert CVS to GIT using the cvs2svn module,
which contains a cvs2git file. It was described in this article:

Since our CVS server resides on Windows and is driven by CVSNT and the
conversion process (a Python system) uses the cvs executable to
extract revision information from the version files I decided to give
it a try on Windows7.
After some misunderstandings causing me to restart the conversions I
finally managed to convert some test projects.

But there is one very strange thing happening:
After the conversion is done according to the steps in the article
this happens when I run a check on the created GIT repo:

$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

        deleted:    SSM1/ReadMe.txt
 <then follows a list of ALL files in the project all marked deleted>

Why is the repo in this condition?
And what to do about it? Obviously going over it with
git reset HEAD <file>...
isn't really practical since this example project (an Android App)
contains deeply nested folder trees with hundreds of files.

I am worrying that I am doing this all wrong...

It is possible to clone the repo and get the expected file tree out,

Another issue is that it seems like the conversion of a CVS repository
consisting of many different modules ("projects" if you will) ends up
with a single huge GIT repo which can only be cloned in its
How can one store multiple and *separate* projects in GIT?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

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