Mark Morgan Lloyd schreef:
Tomas Hajny wrote:

I propose to check with the 2.0.4-rc2 sources. You can get these from,

That builds (make cycle) OK on/for linux-i386 using FPC 2.0.2, but on
linux-sparc using FPC 2.0.0 I get:

Target OS: Linux for SPARC
Compiling system.pp
..,9) Warning: Comment level 2 found,14) Error: Identifier not found "syscall_nr_exit_group"
system.pp(271) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
system.pp(271) Error: Compilation aborted
make[5]: *** [system.ppu] Error 1
make[5]: Leaving directory
make[4]: *** [linux_all] Error 2

I seem to have three choices:

i)   Find the file in the 2.0.2 sources that SPARC 2.0.0 couldn't compile, and
     see if there's some hack that will fix this.

ii)  Ditto for 2.0.4 sources (possibly easier since the compiler isn't bombing).

iii) Compile 2.0.2 on i386 to target SPARC, and see if that will compile the
     2.0.2 source.

My gut feeling is (iii), but any suggestions would be appreciated.

Look up the syscall_nr_exit_group (the number for exit_group syscall) for sparc and add it to rtl/linux/sparc/ and try to compile again.

This syscall was not used in fpc 2.0.2, but was added afterwards. You might find more of those.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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