Am 12.10.2010 14:01, schrieb David W Noon:
On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:54:35 +0200, ik wrote about Re: [fpc-pascal]
Detecting what is the linux distro:

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 09:30, Henry Vermaak
Just curious, why would you like to detect this?

You want to know how to install files for daemons, append information
in other existed packages etc... But instead of creating 1000%
packages types for each distro, you can for example know  that Gentoo
and ArchLinux uses /etc/rc.d/ for init deamons.
You know that Debian, CentOS, RedHat and few others uses /etc/init.d/

Both of those directories are used by virtually all UNIX
implementations. /etc/init.d/ contains the init scripts for system
daemons, whereas /etc/rc.d/ contains the configuration files that are
interpolated into the init scripts to establish environment variables
for the daemons.  These directories do not have an either/or

This is a consequence of using an init process based on the System V

ArchLinux does not use a System V init system, but a simpler BSD one. And thus it does not use /etc/init.d, but only /etc/rc.d.

Why don't you just use a package manager, such as apt/dpkg, Portage,
RPM, etc., instead?  Most distros can handle more than one of these.
For example, I run Gentoo, and it will handle .deb and .rpm packages,
as well as its native Portage ebuilds.

ArchLinux handles only its own ArchLinux Package Manager format (basically a .tar.gz with some script files) - as far as I'm aware of.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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