On 2/18/2011 04:47, Tomas Hajny wrote:
On Fri, February 18, 2011 02:24, waldo kitty wrote:
on my OS/2 box, i've tried targets of OS2 and OS2 with EMX but both have
failed all kinds of ways... i suspect that it is simply to do with the
paths to the units and include files... i have been able to get something
going somewhat but then run into masses of "duplicate identifier" errors...

I'm willing to have a look at your current version if you can upload it

my code is pretty small... it should easily fit the attachment limitations of this list :)

i still have a few more tweaks to add to it as a few things are still specific to certain types of messages but overall, it is pretty straight forward ;)

Synapse has probably not been ported to the OS/2 target and it
possibly uses various platform specific APIs but it should be possible to
port it with reasonable effort (especially stuff like processing MIME
messages should be fairly generic).

that is/was my thinking as well...

First of all, you should check whether
the missing units are supposed to be platform independent or not.

yes, part of what i'm running into is platform dependency problems... i forget which unit it is that's triggering the platform stuff but where it is failing is when trying to bring in platform stuff like loading libraries and there's nothing in my code that needs any libraries to be loaded for any reason that i'm aware of... it is possible that "WalkParts" might want something loaded from a lib but i do not need anything like that for my immediate purposes since i'm only looking for the text/plain section(s) and extracting them to an ASCII text file...

If not, it is surely not just the matter of paths, etc. Also, if you mention
concrete error messages, people may be able to advise.

i shall try to grab these in the future... one thing that may also be causing waves is that my OS/2 and DOS FPCs are 2.4.2 releases whereas on my development machine(s), i'm pulling FPC and lazarus from their SVNs and building them from the ground up... both of my development machines started with nothing on them until i pulled the code from SVN and the bootstrap compiler to kick it in the arse and build working environments...

i'm just not sure where to turn now so out of frustration, i'm now pulling
down the dos242full.zip of FPC and will be installing that to another
directory on the OS/2 box... then it should be a simple matter of copying
the project to another directory in there and giving it a kick in the arse
to see what happens... hopefully i'll end up with a workable executable and
my project with be, basically, at the end :)

yeah, the above failed miserably... i didn't realize that LFNs were necessary and the DOS version on OS/2 simply cannot access OS/2 LFNs in any way shape or fashion at all...

I'd recommend using the OS/2 target directly in your case;

OS/2 straight? not the OS/2 w/ EMX?? it really doesn't matter to me as long as i end up with a working executable for the task at hand...

there are surely areas / functionalities which are better supported on the
GO32v2 target (unit graph coming to my mind as one particular example), but
I don't think that your project should really need those.

you are absolutely 100000000000+% correct on that... there's nothing visual... the tool is fired from a console command line... there's little to no output (unless i decide to add some for logging purposes)... and, lastly, the tool is doing nothing more than extracting a/the text/plain MIME section(s) from messages saved as text files... the only other thing the tool is doing is converting "characters" like the trademark symbol from their unicode(???) character back to the old DOS 8bit/7bit old school alternative... ie: the trademark symbol is located as the "= 9 9" (spaced to prevent conversion) MIME text in the message body and converted to "(tm)" which any old DOS 3.x can understand :)

let me fix up a few things and i'll post another message, in the list or privately, containing my current code... i'll also try to bang up the error messages from the attempts to compile to the OS/2 (native) target...

thanks for your interest and assistance!
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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