On 16 Oct 2011, at 11:42, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:

> But hiding away the compilation step from the user does not turn a compiler 
> language into an interpreter language. There is no benefit in doing so. You 
> can simply compile your programs and then use the executable in your scripts. 
> Where is the problem?

There is no "problem". It's simply a matter of convenience. You may not think 
it to be more convenient to edit source code and then "run" it without an 
explicit compilation step in between, but other people obviously do. Trying to 
convince other people that there is no benefit or trying to make them convince 
you that there is a benefit is unlikely to lead anywhere.

That said, adding a hack to the compiler to ignore a she-bang if it appears at 
the start of a source file is extremely unlikely to ever happen (and I'm 
personally not inclined to accept such patches). As Mattias mentioned, if you 
want to compile such source code you can use instantfpc itself to compile the 

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