Jonas Maebe schrieb:
> That's exactly what he said: you are free to create a fork (= take the FPC source code and do whatever you want with it), and then the currently active FPC developers are also free to take whichever of your patches they consider useful. What's not possible is that other people dictate what you must do with the FPC source code, just like you can't dictate what other people must do.

This argument is pulled out each time someone suggest things that the main developers don't like. But despite from the work this requires it would result in my own island solution. It cannot be the goal that thousands of people spawn their own Pascal dialect. I don't think that anybody is wanting this. I thought this open source project is about having a *public* Pascal language which can be discussed and argued about. I know that there will be no common sense about each and every topic but it should be possible to say opinions which possibly make others change their mind (or not).

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