On 02/01/14 20:21, waldo kitty wrote:
understanding that SearchRec has different formats for different OS
targets, we've tried to use fillchar to initialize it to an empty
record... unfortunately that does not remove the hint... instead the
hint points to the fillchar line...

It is virtually impossible to get a realistic program free of any hints. Hints are the lowest possible verbosity level and their only goal is to help you pinpoint extremely unlikely sources of problems if you've exhausted all other options. They cause false positives by design (in this case: passing an uninitialized variable to a var-parameter; and since fillchar's first parameter is such a parameter and cannot be changed to "out" for reasons discussed many times before on this list, using that routine indeed does not help).

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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