Thanks for the suggestion

I think the syntax should be:
type myKeyEvent = IPTCKeyEvent;
Var myShiftStatus : boolean;

myShiftStatus := myKeyEvent.Shift;

but I get IPTCKeyEvent not found.  I wonder if it's only designated as
internal.. or if I need to use something other than PTCGraph and PTCCRT

>looking at the list of constants in ptcpas, i find PTCKEY_SHIFT... i also
find, in Classes, the IPTCKeyEvent which has a GetShift function as well as
a Shift 
>property... seems like you should be able to the shift status with
something like

>type myKeyEvent : IPTCKeyEvent;
>type myShiftStatus : boolean;

>myShiftStatus := myKeyEvent.Shift;

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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