On Sun, 17 Dec 2023, Adriaan van Os via fpc-pascal wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

32. Are the set operators "include", "exclude" missing in the syntax diagrams ? Is "><" missing (specifically) as set operator in the syntax diagrams ?

Include/Exclude are not operators. They are procedure calls.

Section 12.8.5 says "Elements can be added or removed from the set with the
Include or Exclude operators" and table 12.6 lists them as "Set operators". So, that is confusing (to me).

22. Various rules refer to a rule <variable-reference> for which I can't find the rule. What is it ?


Can't a variable also be qualified ? Therefore ?

        variable-reference = qualified-identifier .


41. Is it correct that <operator-definition> is referenced only in the record <component-list> rule ? I would expect something like an <operator-declaration-part> in various declaration rules.

To the best of my knowledge, only records support operator definitions.

The 'operator' chapter handles 'global' operators which are at the level of
global functions/procedures.

Your reply puzzles me.

Your question puzzled me.

But to parse that, the rules for <interface-part> and <declaration-part> need something like an <operator-declaration-part>, don't they ?

Yes, I had come to this conclusion myself, and I added it.

The following zip file contains the updated documentation:

Besides correcting your remarks, I did a general overhaul:
- I changed the use of space character in syntactic elements to dash (-)
- Improved some diagrams.
- synchronized some syntactical elements.
- Tried to make sure every syntactical element has a definition.

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