Bureeda opines: <<And I agree that I don't see a lot of profits passed on to
consumers (refer to your local gas pump for more info).>>

To me this gets us back to the original proposition, that the loss of jobs
can be compensated by an increase in value. Not always of course, as one or
more others argue, but in a thriving economy (like the one we're now
witnessing in our "off-shoring" society), that's more likely than not to
happen. As for profits lining owner's pockets, that's not such a bad thing
when you own a share or more of the company as many of our neighbors do.
That makes ownership a good thing, as more than one politician insists.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that value has many meanings, one of which
is the best compromise between quality and price. For given quality if the
business lowers the cost, it enhances the value to the consumer. And what's
wrong with benefiting consumers?  
~ Bill  


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