> Windings of one sort or another have come with Windows for a long time, I
> think, but none of them are the same as, comparable with, or versions of, Zapf
> Dingbats, which is a completely different symbol font, work of Hermann Zapf,
> one of the 20th C's more eminent font designers.

I could be wrong, but I believe that Monotype Sorts is the Windows TT
knock-off of Zapf Dingbats. I don't think it is installed by default, but
with additional fonts during a custom install.

David Creamer
I.D.E.A.S. - Results-Oriented Training
Adobe Certified Trainer & Expert (since 1995)
Authorized Quark Training Provider (since 1988)
Markzware, Enfocus, FileMaker Certified
Apple Consultant Network member (since 1990)


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