Richard Doll wrote:
> Beginning yesterday in the afternoon when an object was 
> selected for movement, its trajectory to the intended 
> position was stuttered/bounced in about 6pt increments.
> The objects involves are: Frame created "rules and shapes", 
> Table cell boundaries, and Graphic (.tif or .eps) boundaries.
> I know not what I have done to cause this affliction.
> I have searched for all (sys & app) *.ini files and find 
> "fmtoolbr.ini -
> 9/6/07 @ 5:13" to be the only .ini file to be "Modified" since 2/5/07.
> So, . . . I opened the fmtoolbr.ini in Frame as text, But, I 
> know "nada" 
> about what I see there or even if I'm looking in the correct place.

You're looking in the wrong place -- "fmtoolbr" means "FM tool bar." 

It sounds like you're used to working with snap off, and you've
inadvertently turned it on. The command is Graphics > Snap, and a check
mark appears next to it when it's enabled. Snap causes graphics objects
(including frames) to snap to the grid. 

Personally, I consider snap essential if "approximately correct" won't
do, because positioning things by "eyeballing" them is not as precise as
aligning them to the grid. Of course, you have to define your grid
spacing to something that works for you. Do that with View > Options. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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