Richard Levine wrote:
> I cannot really say that round-tripping is what I am looking 
> for.  What I would really like to see a fully integrated 
> authoring environment that integrates multi-channel output 
> with a powerful editor that overcomes FrameMaker's many 
> limitations, thus obviating the need for import and export. 
> RoboHelp is a full featured HAT with printed output (PDF) 
> support. Why not just import my legacy Frame documents into 
> RoboHelp, and then use RoboHelp as my authoring environment? 

On the one hand, you complain about FrameMaker's "many limitations"
(such as?). On the other hand, you're suggesting dumping it and settling
for RoboHelp's printed output. Are you kidding? 

It sounds like you really _don't_ know what you're looking for -- you
just know you don't like FrameMaker. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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