OK, bear with me - What about the situation where you have a text inset that's 
just a sentence, and there's no trailing paragraph break in the inset,  and you 
want to use the sentence mid-paragraph elsewhere? I can't seem to get the inset 
sentence to flow to the next sentence without a paragraph break showing up in 
the container doc that's not in the inset. It's like the file end character 
(that doubled-S squiggle thing) makes FM put a paragraph break there regardless 
of what I put after the inset marker. Is that just functioning as designed, and 
I'm not supposed to be able to use an inset that way? (...in which case, maybe 
a user variable is a better answer if it's just a sentence we need to reuse 

How about when you have the inset preceding a paragraph of body text, and the 
last paragraph of the inset is supposed to be a numbered list, but the 
numbering won't hold if you follow the text inset with anything other than a 
numbered list?
Rene L. Stephenson

----- Original Message ----
From: "Combs, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 1:22:54 PM
Subject: RE: style following inset

Rene Stephenson
> We have the same problem and have heard it's just a bug w/ FM 
> 7.2 unstructured insets. Our solution is to use Silicon 
> Prairie's Paragraph Tools to Remove Paragraph Overrides 
> immediately before generating the book for our output formats.

It's not a bug specific to 7.2, this behavior has existed forever. I
suspect it's related to the bug that produces a pgf override when a char
format abuts up against the pilcrow (end-of-pgf marker). 

There's no need for tools or repeated fixes. See my earlier post about
separating the text inset from the pilcrow with a space (or something).
That will eliminate the problem once and for all. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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