Yves Barbion wrote: 
> In Frame 11, the mnemonic shortcut ALT+v+m is used for two menu commands: View
> > Element Boundaries as Tags and View Master Pages (actually ALT+v+m+m. This
> seems to have changed compare to previous versions, which had ALT+v+l to view
> the element boundaries. ALT+v+l is now used to View Line Numbers.
> I want to use ALT+v+l again to view the element boundaries, so I guess I'll
> have to change this in one of the menu configuration files (*.cfg). Any ideas
> which file I have to change and how?


How is pretty straightforward -- edit the KeySequence. The ! represents the 
Escape key. Here are the relevant entries from the FM10 cmds.cfg file: 

<Command ViewPublisherBoundaries
   <Label Publisher Boundaries>
   <KeySequence \!vl>
   <Definition \x3D7>
   <Mode All>>

<Command ViewMasterPages
   <Label Master Pages>
   <KeySequence \!vM>
   <Definition \x343>
   <Mode All>>


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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