Suggestion. Set up a backup system. There are plenty of backup utilities out there, some free. Then set up a schedule, automated would be best, to back up your files.

On Monday, March 10, 2014 9:50 AM, Jeff Coatsworth <> wrote:
Sounds like network flakiness to me :<(
From: [] On Behalf Of Stephen O'Brien
Sent: March-10-14 10:43 AM
To: Frame Users (
Subject: FM9 - Fm files have disappeared from disk
Yesterday I spent a few hours updating cross-references in a book. I updated the TOCs several times. Saved all files several times. All went well.
Today I open the same book and 6 files of 40 are missing - have the ? symbol. They are not on disk either.
Has anyone seen this before. I am at a complete loss here.
Thx for any advice.
I do have a backup from the day before.
Stephen O'BRIEN
Coordonnateur à la documentation et rédacteur technique senior | Documentation Coordinator and Senior Technical Writer
InnovMetric Logiciels | Software
T (1) 418.688.2061
F (1) 418.688.3001
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