I am taking a stab at trying to get reasonable RTF/Word output from Frame 
(yeah, I know...) via MIF2Go. Being an absolute newbie to MIF2Go and finding 
the 1100+ page user manual as clear as mud (it seems to be written for people 
who already know how to use MIF2Go, not for the uninitiated), I'm seeing some 
behavior that appears to be incorrect, but I'm not certain.

Environment: FrameMaker 12 (TCS5), Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit.

I have done all the initial setup and can get RTF output from MIF2Go using the 
default settings. The problem comes when I try to customize things:

When I select "Set Up Mif2Go Export" from the File menu, some of the interface 
options in the resulting window are disabled. For example the button next to 
Path which presumably would allow me to browse to another folder does nothing 
when clicked, nor do the Configure, Add, or Modify buttons.

When setting up the project, if I choose either Word or Frame template, the 
browse buttons do not work and I cannot alter the filenames in the text boxes.

What gives? Is this by design and everything must be done via .ini file editing 
(in which case why bother having a UI component?) or is there some 
incompatibility with FM12/TCS5 on my system?

I find the various cascading .ini files in a myriad of different locations to 
be confusing. Also, once I have gotten to the configuration screen for Word 
template and export options vs. Frame Template and set it once, I can never 
find that screen again to adjust settings. Is that related to the interface 
weirdness, i.e., should the "Modify" button or one of the others bring me back 
to that screen?

Thanks in advance.


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