>Thanks, Steve. By the way, the FrameMaker for Mac OS X petition is almost at 
>3,300 signatories.

That's good to know - if I could sign again, I would. After fourteen years of 
FrameMaker, I'm currently going into new areas (complex designs, structure), 
and even now learning new stuff and new techniques, and am being constantly 
delighted with what I can achieve with FrameMaker.

>I did a detailed comparison with Pages 1.0 and it shows real promise. The 
>real-time page updating while resizing or moving objects on a page is really 
>cool - something even InDesign can't do.

I'll take a look at that, although Pages is really only of passing interest to 
me unless it reaches version, oh, er... 6? ;-)

>However, it is only version one and I think software generally reaches a 
>maturity at around version three, so I wouldn't use it for serious work. 
>Having said that, Apple may release Pages 2.0 at the upcoming San Francisco 
>Macworld Expo in January as part of the iWork '06 package and that may have 
>the additional functionality to make it a more viable alternative to 

It will be interesting, but I don't think Apple is developing Pages as a 
replacement for FrameMaker - although I could be proved wrong.

>Apple is still using FrameMaker 6.0 in the Classic environment to produce its 
>own user guides and I'm curious as to what they will use in the future. It 
>does seem ironic that with all that super-cool technology even Apple is still 
>replying on Mac OS 9 to produce its user guides. Then again, we do and some 
>Adobe employees do, too.

... and I do too, and will continue to do so for the forseeable future, even to 
the point of not buying any Apple machine that cannot run Classic. (I even 
considered buying a quad-core 2.5 GHz G5 to put on the shelf until I need it.)

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