Thanks Shlomo -- you are right on the money (as usual).

The saving as MIF is something that would never have occurred to me, 
despite using that method for many other Frame ills over the last 14 
years with Frame.

Thx again


Shlomo Perets wrote:
> John,
> You wrote:
>> ... He switched to using PNGs for the many screenshots in his very 
>> large manuals
>> -- but the file sizes have blown out exponentially, presumably because 
>> of the
>> now millions of extra colours introduced to the Frame colour lists. (All
>> images are imported by ref, BTW.) He is using FM 7.1, having recently 
>> binned
>> 5.5.6 (where the problem also existed).
>> I vaguely remember reading that this colour blow-out applies only when 
>> one
>> particular Windows Colour Quality setting is used.
>> Can anyone please remind me which one?
> The PNGs have to be non-indexed (24-bit color instead of 8-bit color).
>> He will also need some plugin (or a FrameScript) that he can wipe over 
>> >10,000
>> pages to rid them of the extra colours.
> Saving as MIF will clear all of  the "RGB nnn,nnn,nnn" colors.
> If many FM files are involved, visit 
> for information on utilities which save all files in a book as MIF.
> Shlomo Perets

John Pitt, technical writer
47 Gottenham St
Glebe NSW 2037
Ph: 02 9692 8096
Mob: 0438 92 8096
john at

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