>If I have a client who has FrameMaker 7.0 files on the Mac, can I 
>work on those same files on the PC in a Windows version of 
>FrameMaker 7.0?  Will the client be able to open them back up on the 
>Mac?  If not, what kind of conversion process is needed?
>Beth Dickinson
>beth at novatekcom.com

Hi, Beth:

There's no difference between FM files on Mac, unix, and Windows. 
However, there are some file-naming limitations you'll run into with 
long file names on Windows that get truncated on Mac, because you're 
running FM in Classic, not true OS X.

You also may have font differences, either because of 
differently-named fonts, not having the fonts on both computers, or 
perhaps not selecting the same printer. See the 
multiple_platforms.pdf in the OnlineManuals folder in the FM 
installation folder for more detail.

Mostly it's a non-problem.


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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