McCoy, Nancy wrote:
> Thanks Stuart. That's exactly the way it's set up. The problem is that
> the TM symbol is too large. How do I your scheme to make a smaller TM
> symbol and yet position it correctly, closer to the top? I tried just
> reducing the font of the superscript, but the positioning isn't right
> when I do that.
> Nancy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Rogers [mailto:srogers at]
> Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 10:57 AM
> To: McCoy, Nancy
> Cc: framers at
> Subject: Re: Question about a trademark superscript
> McCoy, Nancy wrote:
>> Hi All:
>> I have a variable defined to be a Title type utilizing a superscript
>> trademark symbol as the last character in the name. The trademark
> symbol
>> shows up in the correct position, but I'd like to see it in a smaller
>> font.
>> How do I go about doing that within the variable definition?
> Create a character tag with the appropriate settings, and in the 
> variable definition, click that tag name in the formats list, type the 
> TM symbol, then click <Default para format>.
> HTH,

Sorry, misunderstood. The placement of superscripts is controlled 
globally from Format > Document > Text Options, by choosing the 
percentage Offset; you can also set the text Size in that dialog box.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

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