Did you solve your issue already?
If not, I was thinking that you might try circumventing it...

Try resizing your screen caps before inserting them in FM. As a general
rule, I encourage everyone to do this. FM is not a friendly
graphics-handling program.
We use pngs too, but we actually take our screen caps at the target
resolution/size (using HyperSnap ~$30). That way we don't have to resize
them at all. If we want a different size, we take another screen cap at
a different resolution. We've never had any problem with a graphic
changing resolution in the doc. Maybe its because we never go there?

Dunno if this will help, but I figured it couldn't hurt to share.

melanie raney

> I am using PNG format screen captures in my FM 7.2 books, inserted by
> reference. These graphics are resized to 150 dpi when inserted. I've
> found that when I reopen the book, a number of the graphics (but not
> all) have resized themselves to 96 dpi. Also, when I look at 
> the object
> properties dialog  box, the dpi setting control is disabled---the only
> way I can resize the graphic is by changing the percent size. 
> What's going on? How can I make my graphics behave? I've 
> never had this
> trouble before. I suspect one reason for the behavior is the 
> use of PNG
> instead of TIF---I changed over a couple of months ago and 
> this started
> happening.
> Thanks for any help that can be offered!
> =========================================
> Nancy Kaminski | Technical Writer
> Spanlink Communications
> Minneapolis Minnesota USA
> nancy.kaminski at
> (763) 971-2311 phone * (763) 971-2300 fax
> ========================================= 
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