I believe our Graphfix plug-in will do what you want, if I read you 
correctly. Download the trial version of the plug-in from our website 
(www.seatechpubs.com). Choose "Services," choose "Plug-ins," and then, 
look for the download link for the Graphfix plug-in. Contact me if you 
need a Mac version.

After you install the plug-in, try the following procedure (please 
forgive me for improper software documentation techniques, I'm a 

1. If you are using structured Frame, place the insertion point at a 
valid graphic insertion point in the structure view.  Note: the plug-in 
will allow you to insert elements in invalid places. For unstructured 
Frame, place your curser where you want the graphic.

2. Perform the following shortcut: esc = i. This shortcut is case 

3. If you are using structured Frame,  choose an element tag from the 
drop-down box. (The plug-in parses your EDD and determines the valid 
graphic elements.) Skip this step if you are using unstructured Frame.

4. Choose "Below Current Line" from the anchoring position drop-down 

5. Choose "Center" from the alignment drop-down box.

6. Check the "Floating" box.

7. Click on the "Change" radio button to change the current frame 
configuration settings. (Default frame configuration settings can be 
changed under the "Graphfix" menu. Changing the default settings in the 
plug-in has no effect on the FrameMaker default settings.)

8. Choose the "Custom" radio button, and enter your desired the width 
and height. (I would suggest you try other settings to find the best 
for you.)

9. Change other configuration settings to your liking.

10. Choose the "Set" button.

11. Choose the insert button, and navigate to the graphic you want to 

12. Choose the graphic. The plug-in should place the graphic is where 
you want it.

You may need to play around with the settings a little. I'm not sure 
how your template is set up. Once you have set your defaults, the 
plug-in remembers the next time you insert a graphic.

I hope this helps.

Robert Stoker
Seatech Publications, Inc.
Content Development,
FrameMaker Plug-ins, and
Product Information Management Systems

-----Original Message Follows-----
Anchored frames position
Gillian Flato  gflato at nanometrics.com
  Fri Apr 7 16:39:08 MDT 2006

I have white space on the left side of book. When I import a graphic, I
want the anchored frame to be centered below the line, but centered
within the margins of the text, not to the page size.

For example, if I have 2 inches of white space on the left side, 4
inches of text, and a 2 inch graphic, I want the anchored Frame to span
from 3 inches in to 5 inches.

How do I do this? I don't want to have to set this for each frame. I
want the Below Current Line feature to look at the paragraph tag, see
what the margins are and center it according to that.

I tried applying a paragraph style to it but it didn't work.


Gillian Flato

Technical Writer (Software)

NANOmetrics, Inc.

1550 Buckeye Dr.

Milpitas, CA. 95035

(408.435.9600 x 316

7  408.232.5911

* gflato at nanometrics.com <blocked::mailto:v at nanometrics.com> 

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