I am very happy with BookVars. When I go to create a new folder for a
book/part of a book, the first thing I do is create the book file. The
*second* thing I do is create the BookVars file.


         Joe Malin
Technical Writer
jmalin at tuvox.com 
The views expressed in this document are those of the sender, and do not
necessarily reflect those of TuVox, Inc.        

-----Original Message-----
From: framers-bounces+jmalin=tuvox....@lists.frameusers.com
[mailto:framers-bounces+jmalin=tuvox.com at lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf
Of John Sgammato
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 8:26 AM
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: RE: renaming a variable

I thank the kind folks who replied to my request. 
I guess I was not quite clear about what I am trying to accomplish. 
I succeeded in changing the variable name, but the problem comes in
replicating the change across about 50 chapters in four books. I can
copy the newly-renamed variable into the chapter, but all the existing
variables still have their old names. I am anxious about the
copy-and-paste method for the reasons Rebecca mentioned. My example was
a formatted variable, but I actually use many variables, some formatted
and some not. 

Because I use so many variables, I am looking into Leximation's Bookvars
today. It looks like just the tool I need!

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