
I am using "Save as pdf" for an FM 7.2 book. 

I am wondering why each time I save as pdf the FrameMaker Console says:

"The "Times" Font is not available."Times New Roman" will be used in
this session."

As far as I know I am not using Times in my FM book. Where could this be
coming from? I have used "Find Character Format" to search for the font,
but have not found it. I have also used the Find function in Master
pages and Reference pages with no success.

This is not a showstopper, of cause, but just a small annoyance. 

Anybody have any idea where this could come from?



Christiane Crety

Technical Writer

T + 45 39 55 86 82

E cc at thrane.com <mailto:cc at thrane.com> 

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