It's a long-standing and well-documented bug that manual line
breaks are not permitted in markers. But the problems that are
usually reported are much more drastic than what you have been
seeing (things like application crashes when generating/updating
an index). But because it's hard to see in the marker window
if/when there is a line break present, this is yet another strong
argument in favor of using a marker interface enhancement like
IXgen (my tool of choice) or IndexTools. Any of these tools make
line breaks much more obvious than the standard marker dialog.

My opinions only; I don't speak for Intel.
Fred Ridder
Parsippany, NJ

>From: "Murray Moore" <m.moore at>
>To: <framers at>
>Subject: SOLVED Index Problems
>Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 14:20:00 -0400
>My problems were:
>* A ghost text entry
>* Page numbers displaying under the Symbols heading, e.g. 8, 14, 22, 65, 
>68, 100
>The ghost text entry disappeared in the course of deleting the page 
>The cause of the superfluous page numbers was inconsistent styles of index 
>In my index, columns and buttons appear twice.
>Before I updated the index, the index markers were this style:
>button: name of button: name of window; button name: name of window
>To make these entries easier for me to read and edit in the tiny index 
>marker window, I changed:
>button: name of button: name of window; button name: name of window
>button: name of button: name of window;
>button name: name of window
>The cause of the display of the orphan page numbers under Symbols is that I 
>did not change every index entry. One style of marker was followed by the 
>other style of marker, like this:
>button: name of button: name of window; button name: name of window
>button: name of button: name of window;
>button name: name of window
>Using Ctrl + Alt and click, I returned every index marker of this style:
>button: name of button: name of window;
>button name: name of window
>to this style:
>button: name of button: name of window; button name: name of window
>And FrameMaker was no longer confused.

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