I think the default clipboard format priority order is based on the 
presumed value of a tight coupling between source and destination.
But in many cases, the specific thing you're trying to accomplish is
to leave behind as much as possible that is tool-specific, so that 
you get only the contact without the formatting.  

To that end, the standard maker.ini used by all writers in my group puts
TEXT as the second option, right after FILE. The only downside of this 
is when we need to copy and paste a table from MS Word. If we use 
the default Paste command, we get the table as a bunch of paragraphs 
and have to convert it back to a table (not necessarily a bad thing 
unless the table has merged cells or special formatting in the interior 
of the table which would have to be reconstructed manually). In order 
to get the table as a table, we have to remember to use Paste Special 
and pick Rich Text Format.  

My opinions only; I don't speak for Intel.
Fred Ridder (fred dot ridder at intel dot com)
Parsippany, NJ

-----Original Message-----
From: framers-bounces+fred.ridder=intel....@lists.frameusers.com
[mailto:framers-bounces+fred.ridder=intel.com at lists.frameusers.com] On
Behalf Of Inbar, Paul
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 7:37 AM
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: Changing the default Paste option in Framemaker

Hi all,

I have a question about paste options.

I often think it would be more useful for me to have the default paste
option be TEXT, and I understand that I can set this by putting TEXT as
the first item in the ClipboardFormatsPriorities list in the maker.ini
file. I notice that upon installation, the first item in this list is
FILE, followed by OLE 2, etc. TEXT is the last item in the list. My
question is, is there a good reason for the default order that
Framemaker installs with? If I move TEXT to the beginning of the list,
will I end up causing myself trouble or inconvenience later on with
something that until now I have taken for granted?


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