Hello Lisbeth,

unfortunately there is no 'simple' solution for this, unless you can work on a 
Lithuanian Wondows system.

We have been struggling with this, same for other CE and EE languages.Problem 
is, FrameMakert does not support Unicode and it does not automatically take the 
correct character set from the Open Type fonts (Arial, Times New Roman).

Work around is to tweak the register and add some 'fonts' using the 
FontSubstitutes key. See below for the current key contents, this works for me. 
Notice the notation of the 'codepage' or set number after the font names. 
Basically it says: basic set of font named Arial CE uses set 238 from Arial 
(Open Type font). Now when you choose Arial CE from the FrameMaker font menu, 
it should display correct in FrameMaker. Same for Arial Baltic with Lithuanian 
text. The 0 (zero) in the left part seems to be essential.


"Helv"="MS Sans Serif"
"MS Shell Dlg 2"="Tahoma"
"Tms Rmn"="MS Serif"
"MS Shell Dlg"="Microsoft Sans Serif"
"Courier New CE,0"="Courier New,238"
"Courier New CYR,0"="Courier New,204"
"Courier New Greek,0"="Courier New,161"
"Courier New TUR,0"="Courier New,162"
"Times New Roman CE,0"="Times New Roman,238"
"Times New Roman CYR,0"="Times New Roman,204"
"Times New Roman Greek,0"="Times New Roman,161"
"Times New Roman TUR,0"="Times New Roman,162"
"Courier New Baltic,0"="Courier New,186"
"Times New Roman Baltic,0"="Times New Roman,186"
"Arial CE,0"="Arial,238"
"Arial CYR,0"="Arial,204"
"Arial Greek,0"="Arial,161"
"Arial TUR,0"="Arial,162"
"Arial Baltic,0"="Arial,186"

Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,

Wim Hooghwinkel wimh at scriptware.nl
DTP and XML Management

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